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Acne and Acne Scars

Acne & Scar Removal Treatments

Acne, acne scars, Pimples, zits, White heads, Blackheads. These are the most common concerns of over 80% of population.
Not only does it affect the teenagers but also the adults and middle – aged, though most of the times it’s natural and regresses with time. It may also aggravate causing permanent scars, pigmentation and marks. Thus it’s a proven fact that acne must be treated right away to prevent any further damage.

Why Acne is most common in teenagers
Most common trigger are the hormones when teenagers hit puberty, the hormones start surging and may result in acne if proper care not taken.

Why do some adults have acne?
Women may have hormonal surging during their monthly cycles, pregnancy, menopause restarting acne breakouts. Some may have genetic predisposition to acne.

Do acne ever go away?
Almost all acne can be successfully treated. It’s a matter of finding the right treatment for you.

Does diet have to do anything with breakouts?
Its important to remember that your skin can be a reflection of overall health. In other words nutritious diet can help keep you healthy inside out.

Can Moisturizers cause acne?

Moisturizers can sometimes cause acne in fact play an important role in treating acne. It is important to find a moisturizer that suits acne – prone skin so that you do not end up clogging your pores.

Is it okay to wear make-up when you have tendency of acne?
Yes : its okay to wear make-up as long as the right product is used for specific Skin type. Is also important to remove it through cleansers available. Non – comedogenic, non acneigenic and oil free products are great choices.

What is Acne

  • There is a reason its called ‘common acne’. Nearly everyone suffers from ‘pimple’ at some point in life.

  • It starts when greasy secretions from the skins sebaceous glands plug the tiny openings for hair follicles.

  • Although acne remains largely a cause of adolescence about 20% of all cases occur in adults.

  • It commonly starts during puberty between ages 10 – 13 & tends to worsen in people with oily skin.

  • Teenage acne may lasts for 5 – 10 years normally going away during the early 20’s

  • Women are more likely than men to have mild to moderate forms into theirs 30’s & beyond.

All about acne – Diet & Exercise

There are conflicting advices about the role of diet in managing or worsening acne

Compelling evidence shows that high glycemic diet may exacerbates acne. Dairy ingestion is weakly associated. But all said the relationship remains controversial.

What we should known is that a high Gl INDEX has some part to play. But the way I would put this, however, is not to cut out sugar completely but thoughtfully. Processed & refined foods, like bread, biscuits have Gl which can increase blood sugar levels. This may trigger insulin that makes acne worse choose complex carbs like whole wheat bread, cereals , barley all of which have high fibre – the more fibre – slowly digested – slow rise in blood sugar levels

 The link with dairy is weak but definitely has a role in selective group of people.

Exercise: It is not only important for our overall wellbeing but also helps in healthy skin. It not only burns up calories helping in reducing weight but also helps in reduced insulin output. It helps in reducing stress. However sweat can irritate skin so it’s a good idea to wash your face after a workout

360 Acne clear Therapy treats active acne as well as other Acne related problem like PIH & scars. Therapy offers a combination of skin regime, home care diet changes, peels that fight acne & ensure clearer skin. We help you with right diagnosis & its treatment and continue support with right homecare for better control.

Resurfacing acne scars

  • Peels

  • Dermaroller

  • PRP

  • micro-needling with RF

  • Subscision

Chemical Peels

  • Revitalises the skin

  • Skin friendly fruit acid solution remove the damaged outer layers of the skin

  • Specific contents in each peel helps treat acne, diminish skin pigmentation reducing skin damages, reducing fine lines & wrinkles refreshing skin texture & tone


A special instrument with microneedlesis used to treat superficial , moderate and deep acne scars. It also evens out skin texture through collagen stimulation


This technology utilizes the benefits of ones own platelets, stem cell and growth factors derived from processing the blood in a special laboratory with help of kits


Subcision is a minor surgical procedure used for treating depressed cutaneous scars and wrinkles. It is also called subcutaneous incisional surgery.

Subcision is performed using a special hypodermic needle inserted through a puncture in the skin surface. The sharp edge of the needle is used to break fibrotic strands that are tethering the scar to the underlying tissue.

The release of the fibrotic strands and new collagen deposition caused by wound healing leads to cosmetic improvement of the scar. Subcision can be safely performed in the outpatient setting and is usually well tolerated.


Any type of trauma to the skin has the possibility of scar formation. Something as small as pimple, chicken pox to burn trauma can lead to scar. Managing scars is an art. At our clinic we analyE the type of scars and treat them with a custom made treatment from the array of procedures and medications available with us.
Right from medical management to procedures.
Procedures that help reduce scars
1. TCA cross
2. Subcision
3. Chemical peels
4. Microneedling
5. CO2 lasers.

Book your appointment today and get on the path to healthy, beautiful hair and skin.